
Our History


The History of Rotary in Hong Kong

We have collected here articles relating to the history of Rotary International, District 3450 and our Club. To know more about Rotary International District 3450, click here to browse the website of District 3450 !

The History of District 3450

From a lonely man’s hunger for friendship, Rotary has become the most influential international service organization today.  For one club with only four members 103 years ago, Rotary today has more than 32,000 clubs with an estimated 1,200,000 Rotarians in 200 countries and regions.

By Past District Governor Peter K. P. Hall  (click here for more)

國際扶輪第3450地區簡史 (The History of District 3450 in Chinese)


By Past District Governor Peter K. P. Hall (click here for more)

Rotary International District 3450 The Evolution of The Geographical Limit

District 3450 did not always incldue the territory it does now. Follow the timeline showing the evolution of District 3450's geographical limit.

(click here for more)

The History of the Rotary Club of Peking

I am grateful to all of you affording me this opportunity to discuss a topic which has fascinated me for some 3 years now: the history of the RC Peking. The old Shanghai and Peking Rotary Clubs were closely intertwined; as a matter of fact all Chinese Clubs were closely knitted together.

By Hermann G. Heid (click here for more)

The Recovery of the "Peking Bell"

Rtn Bob Wilson, of RC Hong Kong South, could hardly believe his eyes. He had been visiting a home on Hong Kong's posh Peak to look at furniture and artifacts that were on sale, and had not found anything of interest. Then, on his way out, he glanced at a brass bell that was being used as a doorstop. There was a familiar emblem on top.

By Rotarian Jim Pringle (click here for more)

If you have a Historic Topic of Interest for District 3450, please Contact Us !